Jython Journeys

Notes about my work with jython and python

How to run jython WSGI applications on Google AppEngine with modjy.

without comments

As you can see from our last blog post, we were delighted to get jython WSGI applications running on Google AppEngine for java using modjy. We promised in that we’d write a tutorial on how to do do that.

Well we’ve done that: you can read the results on the modjy wiki: How to run jython WSGI applications on Google AppEngine with modjy.

If you successfully upload the mody demo application, you should see results like this: modjy demo application running on AppEngine

We’d be happy to know of any successful reports of jython WSGI applications running on AppEngine: please feel free to leave a comment about it.

Written by alan.kennedy

April 12th, 2009 at 9:36 pm