Archive for the ‘java’ Category
Jython and Internationalized Domain Names.
I’m happy to announce that jython finally supports Internationalized Domain Names.
Jython supports IPV6.
I am delighted to announce that jython is IPV6 ready: the future of internet addressing is fully supported.
Transforming with XSLT on Google AppEngine and jython.
I’m writing this post in response to a challenge. I wrote a post entitled Jython on Google AppEngine: Why bother?, which was a reply to a statement made by a Google engineer about not seeing the point of running jython on AppEngine. And a similar statement was repeated in a comment on that blog post (i.e. “the gist of what I intended to say was that while it was possible to run Jython on App Engine, I couldn’t think why you’d want to.”)
So rather than get into a back-and-forth of yes-it-is-no-it-isnt-yes-it-is, I thought I’d reply with some simple code that demonstrates something that cannot (currently) be done in cpython on AppEngine, but is easy with jython on AppEngine: XSLT transforms.
Jython on Google AppEngine: Why bother?
Why on earth would you want to run jython applications on Google Appengine?
A list of open source HTTP proxies written in Java.
A few years ago, as an aide to python web programers, I compiled a database of open source HTTP proxies written in python, which became surprisingly popular.
So I’ve decided to expand the database to encompass the other language that I regularly use, java, and publish a database of open source HTTP proxies written in java.