Jython Journeys

Notes about my work with jython and python

A list of open source HTTP proxies written in Java.

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A few years ago, as an aide to python web programers, I compiled a database of open source HTTP proxies written in python, which became surprisingly popular.

So I’ve decided to expand the database to encompass the other language that I regularly use, java, and publish a database of open source HTTP proxies written in java.

While carrying out a web development project a few years ago, I needed a HTTP proxy to help with development and debugging. Rather than write my own, I decided to research what open source options were already available.

However, Python is such an easy language to write web servers and proxies in that a lot people had written and puiblished HTTP proxies, so making the decision wasn’t easy. It required a lot of research, which basically meant a code and architectural review of all of the open source python proxies available.

Since most web programmers use a HTTP proxy at some stage, I thought it would be a useful exercise to compile a complete list of the available options, with a comparison table to enable a feature by feature comparison.

The result of that was this comparison table of open source HTTP proxies written in python, which became quite popular, because it saved python programmers going through the same complex comparison and review process I had undertaken.

Since I’m currently working on another proxy-related project, I needed to review available open source HTTP proxies written in java. And I thought I’d save someone some research time by publishing a similar comparison table of open source HTTP proxies in java.

I hope you find it useful.

Written by alan.kennedy

July 2nd, 2009 at 3:48 pm

Posted in java,open source

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