Jython Journeys

Notes about my work with jython and python

Modjy now fully integrated into jython.

without comments

I’m delighted to announce that modjy, the java servlet to python WSGI gateway that I originally wrote to track the WSGI spec, has now finally been fully integrated into the jython source base.

Modjy has been distributed with jython for several months now, in the form of a third party library, as a zip file; I used to maintain the modjy source code in a private subversion repo. But now all of the java and jython source code for modjy has been checked into the jython source base. I did the integration work on a dedicated modjy branch. The jython BDFL, Frank Wierzbicki, then kindly exercised his considerable subversion fu to integrate that branch with the jython trunk, from whence the first jython 2.5 release candidate will be cut.

Jython 2.5 is a fantastic achievement, a tribute to Frank and all of the jython developers!

Written by alan.kennedy

March 7th, 2009 at 3:40 pm

Posted in jython

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