Jython Journeys

Notes about my work with jython and python

About jython journeys

without comments

I’ve been using jython since 1999. The purpose of this blog is to capture and illustrate some of the interesting things that I’ve learnt and accomplished along the way.

I’m a jython contributor; most of my commits have been in the area of sockets and networking in general. I also try to keep the socket and select python wiki pages up-to-date.

I also maintain modjy, a WSGI gateway for J2EE servlets, which facilitates running python WSGI applications and frameworks (e.g. Django) inside java servlet containers, such as Apache Tomcat. Originally, I developed modjy on jython 2.1, at the same time as the WSGI standard was being developed on the python web-sig. Sometimes I find that implementing a spec is the best way to understand all of its implications. So I did that with WSGI, to understand the spec, and make contributions to it. The outcome of that process was modjy, which has been running well in all kinds of servlet containers since that time.

In my consulting work, I mostly work in java shops, providing architectural and design advice, and striving to improve the development process, by minimizing the amount of code to be managed, and maximizing visibility to all concerned. I’ve scripted all kinds of java servers with jython over the years, incuding Websphere, Apache Axis, Apache Tomcat, the Spring Framework, JBoss, etc.

Written by alan.kennedy

February 20th, 2009 at 5:57 pm

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